Thursday, August 7, 2014

Design Council Blog Revival and Looking Ahead

Hello designers!

Your NCSU Design Council team hopes that you have all had a fantastic summer, are well-rested, and are excited to kick-off another fantastic year at the College of Design.

This year, we will be reviving this Design Council Blog, in an effort to keep you all well informed about the events and happenings around the College.

This semester marks a very exciting time for both Design Council and the College of Design. Here are a few things to look forward to in the next few months:

  • A brand new format for the First Year Mentor Program, including skills workshops
  • Announcements about the Strategic Plan for the College of Design
  • Phenomenal events including the Halloween Design Bash (as if it ever isn't amazing), Dinner with the Dean, and Friday's at the Pit
  • An increased student voice within the College of Design
  • Announcements about new IT facilities
I am honored to be serving as Design Council President at this exciting time at the College of Design, and I cannot wait to start the semester with you all. 

In addition to this blog, you can also follow NCSU Design Council on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates. If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to shoot us an email at We love to hear from you!

All my love,

Allison Menius
Design Council President